Podcast - Culture & Religion : Are Christian Politicians Trying to Set Up a Theocracy?


Are Christian politicians plotting to turn America into a theocracy? That’s precisely what the woke media outlets want you to think, often accusing Christians of trying to violate the “separation of church and state”. They also accuse Christians of trying to legislate morality. But if Christians and conservatives don’t have the “right” to legislate morality, who does?

House Speaker, Mike Johnson, was recently accused of being a theocrat in an article published by The Guardian titled ‘Mike Johnson, Theocrat: The House Speaker and a Plot Against America.’ In this week’s podcast episode, Frank reviews the scathing article that was written by attorney Marci A. Hamilton who analyzes an old clip from Representative Mike Johnson. Frank will also address questions like:

  • What is the true definition of a theocracy?
  • Should principles found in the Bible be eradicated from all public policy?
  • What objective source do Leftists and atheists have for public policy?
  • Is the “separation of church and state”  in the constitution and is it even an issue?
  • Is there a difference between legislating religion and legislating morality?
  • Were the founding fathers anti-religious?
  • Does the Bible advise Christians to establish a theocracy?

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