Decisions, decisions...- Jesus the Christ

 Nor should you swear by your head, for you cannot make a single hair white or black. Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ Anything more comes from the evil one" Jesus the Christ - Matthew 5:36-37

55 people have died in the U.S after receiving the vaccine, I'm sure some vaccine propagandists will complain that it wasn't the vaccine (much like the polio vaccine has never killed any children or had any side effects for the benefit of the "herd"), I hope they did not put their faith in medicine because it will help them nothing now, I hope they have their hope and faith in Jesus, so who decides who gets to live and who dies, your government should they be able to force you, your neighbor, or you?

If you think the vaccine is going to be good for you and you want to accept the risks involved that is entirely up to you no one knows you better than you, but to all those virtue signalling lamebrained idiots out there, stop telling others what is good for them and what is safe, because you cannot even take responsibility for your life don't think you can take responsibility for the 55 that have died already or any other that may or may not die, this is not bungee jumping no-one need infect themselves for the fun of it (if that is even fun).(The LORD said, "What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground.)

As for government wanting to restrict "free" people's movement, we are NOT a herd, we are not animals, that comes out of a Darwinian belief system a materialist belief system. We do not accept your imposition of make believe rules we follow only what we think may be good for ourselves, that which comes from God, and as far as governments are concerned the whole world has been shown how completely useless they are. That is why I trust Jesus not government, I hope the government will remember the only power it has is that which is given by God and God can and will take it away whenever He pleases.

As for my life that is in the hands of God and not men, scientists may think they know much but they are not our saviors either, anything they know they should thank God for, for it is only God who could create a world where logic and reason and any other tool ever created or used in any scientific endeavor means anything at all.

Every day we are at a crossroad where we have decisions to make the decisions are simple even though they are normally shrouded in distractions, do you trust God or man, do you follow Jesus or the world, whether we do or don't do we have still made the decision.

The lie is the same "you will not surely die" we are all going to die sooner or later, do you believe that the life you've been afforded thus far is more important than God, or an eternal life with God, surely we must remember that Jesus is more important than bread, you cannot live on it alone remember, there are many these days in the false church claiming to be healers, but there are many outside the church they put on white clothes and claim to be saviors, I would say resist the temptation and remember there is only one Healer, yeah sure these guys in white clothe may make you feel a little better for a short while, it never lasts you'll have to go back to them again and again, but only God can heal us completely and eternally, bodily and spiritually, mind, soul, body so let him heal your heart.

Follow Him.


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