Decisions, decisions...- Jesus the Christ

Nor should you swear by your head, for you cannot make a single hair white or black. Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ Anything more comes from the evil one" Jesus the Christ - Matthew 5:36-37 55 people have died in the U.S after receiving the vaccine, I'm sure some vaccine propagandists will complain that it wasn't the vaccine (much like the polio vaccine has never killed any children or had any side effects for the benefit of the "herd"), I hope they did not put their faith in medicine because it will help them nothing now, I hope they have their hope and faith in Jesus, so who decides who gets to live and who dies, your government should they be able to force you, your neighbor, or you? If you think the vaccine is going to be good for you and you want to accept the risks involved that is entirely up to you no one knows you better than you, but to all those virtue signalling lamebrained idiots out there, stop telling others what is good for ...