His Will be Done.

Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ our Lord, the Son, of God who came to us in the flesh for our redemption, may He bless you and His love be a spring of life giving water within you. As we are going through this time of the year when many become festive as we remember the great gift to the world, the gift of God's great love stamped out in a little baby and the Holy Spirit fills our hearts with joy, I was reminded of the words of Jesus as He was praying to the heavenly Father, His words ultimately signaling His complete trust in the Father, Jesus said "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." , Jesus went through great hardship and endured for the will of the Father, but it was also the will of the Father to show His love for us even at this time we must not be duped into romanticizing the story too much. Let me just remind us of a few points. 1. Mary confronted by an Angel a fearful thing 2. Mary told she will bear a...