Joy in the harvest.
C.S. Lewis once wrote "Joy is the serious business of heaven" I read an article strangely on the day I was reminded of this quote from guess what Joy magazine ( well worth a read and it gives context to the quote how serious is the work of the Holy Spirit which gives us joy. A joy so profound and overwhelming that it encourages us, to go out into the world and transform the lives of others to be a light in a dark world, so much has happened and so much more will happen but Jesus remains throughout history.
Go and make disciples of Him and for Him and for the glory of God, our task is but a simple one, the harvest is great and the workers are few pray that the Lord of the harvest will send out more workers. This world is reeling from the lack of Christ from the lack of Godliness and holiness it has been chasing after the worldly things for so long that it has forgotten the simple things and distorted many.
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control, these are simple things but they are all powerful they are able to thwart the evil of the world and they all come from God. So be of good spirit, be of good cheer and let the Holy Spirit do its work in you and transform you that you may go into the harvest with Joy and may you too be a part of His Story secure in His loving arms.
"The kingdom of heaven is like
treasure hidden in a field. When a man
found it, he hid it again, and then in his
joy went and sold all he had and bought
that field."
Jesus the Christ
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