Blessed Mourners - The Words of Jesus

"Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted." Matthew 5:4

Again we have a paradox, mourning and blessing seem so far from each other at opposite ends of the spectrum, it hopefully gets us to start asking questions what is the Lord saying to us? Maybe a good question is do we mourn enough? Have we ever mourned?

The words of Christ come on the heals of poorness of spirit it follows then that this verse is referring to our sinful state, which we should be mourning, not because it is something we long for as people mourn for those who have died but rather because of how terrible a state we are in.

The Gospel however is one of hope and of peace with God and so our Lord starts by saying we are blessed if we are unhappy about the state of our souls, sorry for what we have done, having a truly repentant heart, for in the midst of this type of sorrow we will be comforted.

This comfort is not of the sort of worldly comforts but that which renews the relationship with God, that which brings us back into relationship with Him, we are comforted with a renewed spirit, the scriptures are now a comfort to us no longer a burden, for God has made peace with us.

Some may take this as only when we first repent and turn to Christ,but I feel that this is something which continues daily a constant realisation of our nature and a constant reminder that we are His and in relationship with Him a process of sanctification as it were as He clears away the rubble in our lives and we submit ourselves more fully to Him.

May God bless you richly.


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