Our guest Sean McDowell from Worldview Ministries gives us 4 reasons why
we should look to Christianity first when starting a religious quest.
For more info about our guest, visit seanmcdowell.org.
What has a man from all the toil and striving of heart with which he toils beneath the sun? Ecclesiastes 2:22 Over the years, I’ve sat with many parents who were distraught over the potential consequences of their children’s wrongful pursuits. Each of these mothers and fathers have been disappointed in their son’s or daughter’s choices, and as we have talked it has become clear that their disappointment is grounded in their belief that everything would be much better if their child would just be like them. On further probing, it has turned out that by this they have meant that everything would be better if their child would simply give their lives completely to their work.... Continue reading here
Have you ever wondered why America is so obsessed with death and murder, or why some of today’s most popular podcasts, shows, and TV networks are all centered around the topic of true crime? What’s the reason for our curiosity with murder and what life lessons can we learn from studying even the worst of these true crime stories? ..... Listen now click here
What are the rules for engaging a teenage or adult child who is now identifying as trans, deems you toxic, and then threatens to completely cut you off? The natural reaction to freak out usually makes things much worse. But if this happens in your family, how do you work to salvage the relationship without compromising your faith? Click here to listen
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