Repent - The Words of Jesus

Matt 4:17 From that time on Jesus began to preach, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near."

John has been imprisoned his voice now silenced but Jesus shows complete agreement with John's message and a continuation "Repent" turn for the kingdom of heaven is near, Jesus is calling those who hear to turn to God to turn toward the kingdom of heaven which is where God is. The word repent here means - to change one's mind or purpose - I repent, change my mind, change the inner man (particularly with reference to acceptance of the will of God). - Jesus is calling people to think on Godly/heavenly things and to turn toward those things. The call is still the same today as it was then to make the things of the Lord important to keep them sacred and to follow the Godly way to turn away from the worldly activities which reap only worldly benefits.

BUT then our Lord says "for the kingdom of heaven is near" this could be an encouragement to some or scary to others but can we really be neutral about such a statement? What does this mean, it is about timing, it is now the time not tomorrow or some other time this remains the same today. Too many times we put things off, we get too comfortable with life as it is, the Lord is calling us out of those comfort zones and saying it's time to turn away from the worldly and turn to the heavenly.
Why you may ask because He has come, the kingdom of heaven is at hand, not far off, in our midst, because the prophecies are starting to be fulfilled just a few verses before we read how prophecies are being fulfilled. We no longer have an excuse, there needs to be a seriousness about it and it needs to meet reality in our lives.

Our preaching needs the same seriousness, if we preach, for this is not some minor thing. Imagine where God resides his Kingdom is near and if God reigns in your heart then His kingdom can be in your heart. Turn and look to do His will.

So I pray that not only have you heard his call but have in fact turned and are in a sense growing your spiritual life in Him, a working out of our sanctification, that the Holy Spirit is guiding us, that our faith in Him has become a real and tangible effect and cause in our lives.

God Bless.


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