Blessed Meek - The Sayings of Jesus

Matt 5:5 "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." Another verse still focusing on Christ's words and on the so called beatitudes. I suppose a good understanding of the word meek might be of worth to begin as we look into the passage. Meek - Barnes Notes - Meekness is patience in the reception of injuries. It is neither meanness nor a surrender of our rights, nor cowardice; but it is the opposite of sudden anger, of malice, of long-harbored vengeance. Benson Commentary - Persons of a mild, gentle, long-suffering, and forgiving disposition, who are slow to anger, and averse from wrath; not easily provoked, and if at any time at all provoked, soon pacified; who never resent an injury, nor return evil for evil; but make it their care to overcome evil with good; who by the sweetness, affability, courteousness, and kindness of their disposition, endeavour to reconcile such as may be offended, and to win them over to peace and love. Gill's exposition - W...